2 years ago

This interview with Bill Cooper was recorded in 1992. I cannot emphasize enough that you must read William Cooper's book, Behold a Pale Horse. In that book he explains the truth and facts about the NWO. We are witnessing their plan play out right now as they move humanity towards a totalitarian socialist one world order rule. If you think the corona "virus" lock down and being forced to wear masks like slaves is bad, just wait, it gets worse if the sheeple don't wake up.

Learn about the CURE for AIDS/HIV and other dis-ease in this presentation by the late Dr. Sebi.

Also see the story of Royal Rife video down at the bottom of the list.

Please allow me to explain to you why there are some agents out there who slander Bill Cooper. For those of you who are just tuning in, Bill Cooper knew that Alex Jones was a counter intelligence agent way back when Jones first appeared on the radio waves, because Cooper was on the radio waves long before Jones. Bill exposed Jones but Jones has the backing of the CIA because he does a good job at sensationalizing and sowing racial division and aggression aimed at the government, not the secret societies/black magician witches and wizards.

Bill was exposing everything including that he saw a craft exit the ocean and then return and tumble back into the ocean when he was on watch that day while in the Navy. He also exposed Majestic 12 or MJ12.

The agents say, Cooper was a fraud. No, Cooper was 100% telling the truth, which we know because he ended up dead, on his front doorstep, literally.

Cooper knew that Osama bin Laden would be blamed for 9/11, he was talking about it months before when few other insiders knew and said nothing. But the insiders sold off their American Airlines stock and profited and let innocent people die. Did Cooper profit from selling off stock? Nope.

Agents will say, Cooper recounted his story about the alien-like craft he saw. Yeah, after the government threatened to kill his family. Most sane individuals would recount their story to save their family, especially smart sane individuals who knew that eventually more people would see alien-like craft as well. It was a smart play for the time being.

Another reason why agents will slander Bill Cooper is because he spoke out against the Nazi's, the socialists. Who do you think is running the USA? Not the American people.

If you haven't heard of Project Paperclip then you owe it to yourself to look into it. The US Armed Forces did not defeat those behind the Nazi regime, it was allowed to look that way by the mainstream media to make Americans believe that they defeated the Nazi's. Now we see that those who fomented and funded the Nazi regime are those behind the corona / crown agenda.

Now look at the USA, it has slowly been turned into a socialist country over the past seventy years. Put a frog into a boiling pot of water and he will jump out because he feels the water is too hot, but put him in a cool pot of water and slowly turn up the heat and he won't realize that he is being cooked until it is too late. The USA got cooked by socialism because it happened slowly over decades. Same thing with how the government have been eroding gun rights and other liberties and freedoms slowly over the years using the staged "shootings" with crisis actors from companies such as

Cooper exposed that too in his book, Behold a Pale Horse, chapter twelve, The Secret Government, page 225, you can even google this and see an image of the page that many people have uploaded. Cooper exposed that the American people would willfully disarm themselves. This is the US government's project ORION in which the government allowed, and in most cases actually orchestrated themselves with help from rogue FBI and police, fake "shootings" using a decoy, troubled youth who were on SSRI drugs. Drugs that came out of the big pharma industry and trafficked by the US military and CIA out of Afghanistan and South America. Make the connections. These CIA assbags work overtime to keep Americans confused, distracted and divided, drugged up and afraid of guns so that only the militarized police have guns.

So the next time you hear anyone slander Bill Cooper I strongly suggest that you be cautious of them.

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