Addiction, its Cycle of Generational Dysfunction, Recovery and Intervention with T. Rose

2 years ago

Author of Quest Addiction/Recovery Intervention, T. Rose joins Tess Vergara, both of whom were impacted by alcohol abuse, to explore where in lies the crime of addiction? They went deep to discuss the cause/effect of alcohol and substance abuse not just on the user, but also the family that has to endure and cover up for the lies, abuse and horror. The children are left to fend for themselves at a very early age imprinted with a very distorted view of the world.

So how do you break free from generational dysfunction and inherited trauma?

About our guest: T. Rose, now recovered for 20 years, authored several books to share first hand her experiences what it was like to be a functional addict, and the horrors of losing everything and living on the street for 10 years. The 3 book QUEST EMPOWERMENT SERIES is a recovery roadmap for those struggling with substance dependence. It will also help those family members along with friends seeking to help support them on their journey. Check out her books and author page at

Connect with T. Rose at:

About your host:

Soul Powered Executive Coach Tess Vergara is an expert in enlightenment and higher self-awakening, and a Certified Master Strategy Coach, Strategic Interventionist, NLP Practitioner, and Behavioral Assessment Coach. She is the creator of Soul Powered Executive Coaching, which addresses the conflicts many executives and changemakers face between mind and heart, soul and ego. She guides leaders and changemakers towards achieving authentic confidence and unshakeable rock solid foundation so they can fully step into Soul Powered Leadership and create the Soul-aligned legacy, contribution, health, wealth and relationships their Soul came here to fulfill, contribute and enjoy.

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