Why I Stopped Following the "Message" of William Branham

2 years ago

Testimony of Benjamin Mubanga:

Greetings to you all in the precious name of our savior Jesus Christ,

Brothers and sisters, I wanted to give you something, especially the people that are still following the "Message" of William Branham. What comes to the mind of the people you say? When you say I have left the "Message" they always think that this brother or sister is backslidden. But I'm telling you that you should not have those thoughts. People around the world are leaving the "Message" of William Branham because of the inconsistencies and because of the errors that are in the "Message". Especially in Africa, most of the people who are still following the "Message" of William Branham who received the "Message" of William Branham in the '70s and the '80s, they were just over-excited after reading those books of William Branham, the so-called "Messages", they concluded that they found the truth. There was really no time to really go through what they believe. There was no time to really understand the background of William Branham. They were just excited by the cultish movement that was started by William Branham. But brothers and sisters, all over the world, who are following the "Message" of William Branham, I wanted to tell you without fear; I wanted to tell you that the "Message" of William Branham is falling. the "Message" of William Branham is full of deceit. It's full of errors. Errors in the area of visions, prophecies, and other teachings that are extra-biblical. I will give you an example of some of the failed visions of William Branham: the brown bear vision. Do a research yourselves. I will make a presentation on the same, the Lord willing, on the failed visions of William Branham. The South African trip or South African vision was also a failed vision. And other visions: tent vision. There are a lot of visions that I can highlight that did not come to pass, which proves William Branham to be a false prophet because the bible teaches that if a prophet speaks anything in the name of the lord and the thing follow not, then that prophet has spoken presumptuously. I believe we all know that scripture in Deuteronomy 18, and on top of that, any prophet that speaks in the name of the lord and it fails to come to pass.

An example we can give you is in the Old Testament. A prophet that spoke something in the lord and it did not come to pass that prophet was stoned to death. In the "Message" today, when we present overwhelming evidence of William Branham's failed prophecies and visions, well, the preachers are saying in the "Message" that we were not there, it is Brother Branham that is supposed to answer these questions. But we have seen these errors, we have seen this deception. We have no time to start waiting for the time of judgment. What we have to do is to make escape, to condemn, and forget about William Branham. There are many theologies that William Branham presented which are wrong. for example the marriage and divorce teaching, that when a sister cuts her hair, a brother has a right, according to the Bible, to divorce the woman. But when you follow the teachings of Paul, Paul never spoke anything of that nature. Paul never told you that when a sister cuts her hair, then she can be divorced. Moreover, when you look at our Lord Jesus Christ the Lord Jesus Christ gave that ground for divorce, he said except for fornication or sexual immorality, that's the only reason that a man can have the right to divorce the wife. But now, here comes William Branham with his extra-biblical teaching to say a man has a right to divorce a woman when she cuts her hair. So those are wrong teachings. I'm just giving an example; there are many, many wrong teachings of William Branham.

The seven church ages, for instance. There are errors. That teaching is wrong about the ages. I'll give you an example, when brother Branham talked about Columba, that when the age of Columba began in 606. But Columba died even before 505. He died in 598 if I'm not mistaken for 597. Before even his age began. Now, how was he a Messenger to that age? William Branham actually stole the revelations of Clarence Larkin a baptist teacher who was teaching those false teachings which William Branham got and he claimed that he received those revelations from the angel of the lord. But when we go through the teachings of William Branham, compare them with the teachings of Clarence Larkin, in his book, the book of revelation, and other books about dispensationalism and so on, what you're going to find is that brother Branham actually plagiarized. And to plagiarize is to get someone's ideas or information without acknowledging the writer or the originator of those ideas. So William Branham actually plagiarized Clarence Larkin's work.

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