2 years ago

Whats Witchcraft Hitting You With Frontrunner?
Well, I was sitting out on the back porch this morning and the Lord said:
Things are fixing to go VERY VERY well for some while going very very badly for others. So we are at this point where we can either believe that we are stepping into the “VERY VERY GOOD” or we can miss destiny.
And if your in the grouping that disobeyed the Lord (out of the 4 people groups) spoken about by Rabbi Landry then things are about to go south for you. Many of you are actually losing your anointings as we speak just like King Saul did while God is raising the David’s up!
In my prayer time yesterday God gave me a word for the Body:
I saw a vision of a circus tent where there was a ton full of people watching as the circus went on until God began to gather His TRUE believers to MOVE out from underneath that apparatus of lies/illegal covering that hindered them from seeing Him for who He truly was.
I watched as the Master Ring leaders were gathered up, then those who were stuck with their heads in the mouths of lions who were no more of God than the devil himself. Then I was the elephants in the room begin to be escorted out of the tent. One by one as God began to deconstruct this demonic veil/tent/ covering that had been over so many peoples eyes as a SIDE SHOW for years. I saw this deconstruction occurring in the natural/ and by the spirit as God told this FREAK SHOW to get on down the road. That the devil was no longer welcomed within Kingdom and had no place amongst His people!
And as the people walked out from underneath the darkness of the tent the Glory of God was blinding to them as I then saw them begin to walk up this mountain like Tom Sawyer /Huckleberry Finn with bags of apples on their backs (symbolizing a type of old-fashioned values). As they climbed, they would drop apples along their pathway upwards as those below them began to taste/eat and see that the LORD was GOOD IN DEED! So they kept climbing into the Glory of God!
What do Apples represent?
Apples represent Fragrance, beauty, sweetness, Good health, a tranquility, the FAVOR OF GOD with a peaceful spirit.

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