Three Spiritual Abortions

2 years ago

Many church leaders have called for repentance citing the verse 2 Chronicles 7:14, but have failed to explain what it is the church needs to turn from. In this first video of a series, Marilyn Howshall defines and outlines the specifics of the “wicked ways,” that if the church of America will begin to repent, then reformation can begin.

What Are the "Ways" of 2 Chronicles 7:14?, part 1

The Spirit of Abortion is Alive in the Church, part 2

Covenant the Church Made, Opening the Door to Abortion, part 3

Family Left Unguarded, part 4

Repenting of Baal Worship and Injustices Toward Children, part 5

Trapped in a False Matrix of Our Own Making, part 6

“If My People…” series—Marilyn exposes how the covenant the church made with the government school system opened the way for the spirit of abortion in our land. She shows how the church invited a constant state of abortive practices and processes into the family as parents continued to surrender their children to Baal.

Marilyn Howshall has been ministering revival and reformation to the family for 30 years. She believes the best avenue for discipling believers that brings them into Christlike maturity and authenticity is through addressing their relationships to become open and established at the heart level—loving much and loving well. Her passion is to cooperate with the Lord to help parents become biblically empowered to parent. One of her specialties is mobilizing wives to become true helpers to their husbands so dads can heal their relationships with their children, and gain influence in their lives.

She enjoys dispensing practical wisdom that transforms lives and the relational culture of the home and thereby strengthening the church. She is blessed to witness powerful changes of heart in parents, teenagers, and young children that translates into more meaningful relationships in the family and in community life. Marilyn's ministry is online as well as in her local community in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.

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