1 HARSH TRUTH You Need To Accept To LIVE A HAPPY Life (MOTORHEAD - Born to Lose, Live to win)

2 years ago

BORN TO LOSE, LIVE TO WIN. This is 1 harsh truth you need to accept to live life the fullest.

So, what the hell am I talking about when I say that we’re Born to Lose? And does that mean every one of us or just some of us? Well, I guess it depends.

I think all of us are pre-dispositioned to being overcome by the difficulty and weight of life in some form or another. I think all of us are tempted by the innate human tendency to be drawn into selfishness, self-destructiveness, and mediocrity.

We are all born with our own portion of hamartia—a Greek term to describe a fatal flaw that causes us to miss the mark.

So, no surprises in all this. We are born imperfect and life is difficult.

But some of us choose to wallow in this space and exacerbate it out of laziness, weakness, or a lack of self awareness.

Some of us just accept this without ever making the effort to push our rocks uphill and defiantly choose to live to win anyway.

But leaning in with the full force of our Being’s weight into pushing our rocks uphill, in an effort to live to win—in spite of having been born to lose—is exactly what we need to do.

Lemmy Kilmister of Motorhead was once quoted as saying:

“Life’s not safe. Your work’s not safe. When you leave the house, it isn’t safe. That’s why you have to enjoy the moment.”

Lemmy instinctively knew the truth of FAILURE RULE #2: Nothing Is Safe.

Yet, he chose to embrace this unsafe life—with all of its failure, flaws, and danger—by decisively choosing to live anyway.

Don’t let exaggerated feelings of failure’s terror prevent you from taking the ride you were created to enjoy.

Don’t let that inhibition prevent you from savoring the joys that exist in intentionally living to win even as you wake up many days feeling as if you were born to lose.

You must always find a way back to living to win


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🔎 About Andrew Thorp King:
Andrew Thorp King is the author of FAILURE RULES!: The 5 Rules of Failure for Entrepreneurs, Creatives, and Authentics.

He's a fintech banker, spy novelist, speaker, punk rocker, ex-bodybuilder, cigar lover, tattoo enthusiast, and serial entrepreneur. He founded two independent record labels—Thorp Records and Sailor’s Grave Records—and has invested in many spaces including online lending, fitness, lead generation, and independent music.

He is also a serial failure. He's crashed and burned through bankruptcy, divorce, mortgage default, public assistance, and multiple business failures. But, he's like a jack-in-the-box, because after every punch life hits him with, he pops back up and rebuilds his life—informed by failure—with a big smile on his face.

At first, failure sucks. But if you follow the rules of failure—seeing beyond the mess and picking through the good stuff left in the rubble—you can move forward into success.

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