Universal History: Beyond the Horizon: The Symbolism of the Far East | pt.1 | with Richard Rohlin

2 years ago

This is part one of a series of discussions on the symbolism of the far east with Richard Rohlin, as part of our Universal History series. Today’s discussion will set a foundation for the upcoming episodes about the mongols, Prester John and other medieval legends.

Full Universal History playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVX4HUUPrIY_M2uZP3yW6EEiod3fGD6FD

Richard Rohlin’s work:
- Richard Rohlin’s article on The Symbolic World blog: https://thesymbolicworld.com/articles/folk-stories-traditions/the-symbolism-of-st-dionysius-the-areopagite/
- Amon Sûl podcast (Exploring the Tolkien Legendarium with the Christian Faith): https://www.ancientfaith.com/podcasts/amonsul


Books mentioned:
- Inconceivable Beasts: The Wonders of the East: https://www.amazon.com/Inconceivable-Beasts-Wonders-MEDIEVAL-STUDIES/dp/086698481X
- The Life of Alexander the Great (Modern Library Classics) by Plutarch (Author): https://www.amazon.com/Alexander-Great-Modern-Library-Classics/dp/0812971337
- The Histories: (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition) by Herodotus: https://www.amazon.com/Histories-Penguin-Classics-Deluxe/dp/0143107542
- Apocalypse. An Alexandrian World Chronicle (Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library) by Pseudo-Methodius (Author), Benjamin Garstad (Translator): https://www.amazon.com/Apocalypse-Alexandrian-Chronicle-Dumbarton-Medieval/dp/0674053079
- The Cave of Treasures by St. Ephrem the Syrian: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-cave-of-treasures-st-ephrem-the-syrian/1130257867

- The Travels of Bar Sauma In Asia and Europe (free pdf): https://robcanobbio.files.wordpress.com/2020/01/9th_124d.-rabban-sauma.pdf

Podcast mentioned:
The Lord of Spirits: Blessings and Curses: https://www.ancientfaith.com/podcasts/lordofspirits/blessings_and_curses

Relevant episodes of Universal History mentioned:
- Universal History: The Deep Symbolism of Groundhog Day | with Richard Rohlin: https://youtu.be/dX6PZBS1Q9Q
Series on Ethiopia:
- Universal History: the Mystery of Ethiopia | with Richard Rohlin (Ethiopia #1): https://youtu.be/czy7MnDXOO0
- Universal History: From Alexander the Great to Ethiopia | with Richard Rohlin (Ethiopia #2): https://youtu.be/AkXcay54e6Q


00:00:00 - Coming up next...
00:00:52 - Intro music
00:01:16 - Introduction
00:02:35 - What about other cultures?
00:03:35 - Australia
00:07:20 - Universality & encountering the strange
00:09:37 - The center of the medieval world
00:11:41 - Alexander the Great and the far east
00:15:37 - Trade routes
00:17:54 - Decadence in the land of extremes
00:20:48 - The orientation of ancient maps
00:22:07 - Cultural memory & the invader
00:24:55 - Descriptions of the east: Herodotus' Histories
00:28:04 - The fourth son of Noah
00:33:22 - Wisdom from the east
00:34:38 - The danger of the east
00:37:58 - The air and the heavens
00:40:16 - The Acts of Thomas
00:44:14 - The modern naked ascetic
00:45:17 - Conclusion
00:47:54 - The voyages of Rabban Bar Sauma
00:52:02 - Outro


- The Symbolic World website and blog: http://www.thesymbolicworld.com
- Merch: http://www.thesymbolicworld.store
- The Language of Creation (Matthieu Pageau): https://www.amazon.com/Language-Creation-Cosmic-Symbolism-Genesis-ebook/dp/B07D738HD8
- Carving workshop: https://jonathanpageau.thinkific.com/courses/st-john-baptist

The Symbolic World podcast:
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0gI8bUwPtT3gkduHqNh6M5
- Apple podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-symbolic-world/id1386867488

More videos from The Symbolic World:
- Clips Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/JonathanPageauClips
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- Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/pageaujonathan/
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My intro was arranged and recorded by Matthew Wilkinson.
My website designers, Anomalist Design: https://www.anomalistdesign.com/
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