Interview 219 with Stuart Myiow

2 years ago

Stuart Myiow; Wolf Clan Representative of the Kanienkehaka (Mohawk) Traditional Council, Kahnawake of the Five Nations' LongHouse Confederacy, Turtle Island.
Born and raised on the Mohawk reserve of Kahnawake, just 15 minutes from downtown Montreal, his Mother was the last legitimate ClanMother within the Kanienkehaka Nation. As such he was raised exclusively within the ceremonial cycle of the Traditional LongHouse People.
He grew up playing under the table of the « heads » of the Nations', while other children got to play outside, he stayed close by his Mother's side within the Councils' and ceremonies of the last of the "Old School Chiefs and ClanMothers". With their teachings he rises, within the Great Law of Peace to represent the true spirit of his people under the Two Row Wampum Peace Treaty.
Under his tenure, he has facilitated the return and establishment of;
The Kanienkehaka Traditional Moon Teachings, which has been lost for at least 150 years.
The written version of the Matrilineal Law of the "Kaienraserakowa", of the People of the LongHouse.
The Reconstitution Process of the Original Peoples in the Territory of the Condor and of the People in the Territory of the Eagle.
The traditional burial rites and practices of the People of the LongHouse etc.
He and his LongHouse family are also the subject of the book "Words of Peace in Native Land" (Authored by Guylaine Cliche, preface by Captain Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherd) and are also the subject of numerous other books, articles and documentaries.
Further information can be attained by "Googling" "Stuart Myiow"

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