Deadly Consequences

2 years ago

After the latest mass shooting, this one in Uvalde Texas, the Democrats played their usual politics with their usual call for gun control. They really do want take our guns.
Before the tragic Columbine shooting in 1999, mass shootings were extremely rare, but now they happen on a regular basis. What has happened? In my opinion, it all started in the 1960s when a major attack on the family began on many fronts. The sexual revolution and the welfare state came along in a big way, both have had devastating consequences for the family. Both have been major factors in the exploding divorce rate. Divorce leaves deep wounds in the children of divorce that they never fully recover from.
And prayer was unconstitutionally taken out of schools in 1962 in a fraudulent Supreme Court ruling. All sorts of evil has filled the vacuum. Chewing gum and talking in class were problems in government schools before prayer was removed, now they have murders and transgender sexual assaults by males in women's restrooms.
And the Catholic Church and other churches watered down their teachings to blend in more with society.
The abortion legalization came along in 1973 that has planted in the minds of millions that human life is not valuable.
The left has pushed every sort of perversion onto society imaginable. In my opinion, the environment that all of these misguided and evil actions have created has produced the rotten fruit of millions of very disturbed young people, especially young men. Many of them have come form homes without fathers and often abusive and uncaring and incapable mothers. They are often bullied in school as well. They get to the point where they have nowhere to turn. There is no teaching of right and wrong in their life. They have no foundation to build a life on. The often go into isolation and watch violent videos and porn. Their minds soon become warped. Some go really off the deep end and mass murder. Societal decay is the actual problem.

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