2 years ago

I thought by now We would have been able to view bodycams, ccctv views, helicopter views, you name it of the epic gun battle between the lone gunman that somehow walked away from an epic wreck with guns, body armor, and a bag full of ammo, spending 12 minutes roaming around shooting OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL that NEVER WENT INTO LOCKDOWN DUE TO GUNFIRE OUTSIDE

Police said they arrived 4 minutes after the crash and the gunman had started SHOOTING AT PEOPLE ACROSS THE STREET FIRST leaving 8 minutes MISSING of interaction ON VIDEO FROM ANYWHERE or ANYONE with the gunman walking around, LEAVING 8 MINUTES THAT THE SCHOOL COULD HAVE BEEN PUT INTO LOCKDOWN BY POLICE, then he went into school that again, WAS NOT IN LOCKDOWN DUE TO GUNFIRE OUTSIDE and continued the gunfight through walls and windows while killing people and still NO VIDEO OF ANY OF IT FROM ANYONE OR ANYWHERE ?

WHERE IS THE TRIAGE FOOTAGE from any of the many cameras from the many different agencies there including the HELICOPTER FOOTAGE WE SEE, OR EVEN AN URGENCY TO TRANSPORT PEOPLE, DEAD OR ALIVE from ANY OF THE AGENCIES THERE, they're all just STANDING AROUND TALKING ?

WHERE ARE THE VICTIMS, DEAD OR ALIVE ? WHERE ARE THE MEDICAL HELICOPTERS ? THERE'S NOTHING TO SEE HERE, MOVE ALONG ? Were they teleported from inside the building in a room without cameras to the hospitals ?

That would be the #1 thing happening that WE WOULD SEE, GETTING THE WOUNDED OUT NOW, We would see them working at least on one side of the building moving THE DEAD OR LIVING OUT OF THERE, they want us to believe that this time they went against everything they practice, SAVING PEOPLE because they could have been shot so they LEFT THEM IN THERE WOUNDED OR DEAD ?

Why were parents being kept from getting their children from the school and/or from the busses to the point of drawing and using weapons AGAINST PARENTS including handcuffs and then made to pick them up somewhere else while an alleged shooter was left to roam the school for 40 minutes before lethal action was taken by BORDER PATROL according to articles ?

This video "says" that there may have been a gun battle through the walls and windows, was there "friendly fire" that killed innocent lives that are being blamed on the "gunman" ? Way more questions than answers and We may never know the real TRUTH ?

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