Karen Hudes WORLD BANK Insider reveals who`s behind the Vatican

2 years ago

source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kN0-eC5DB1U https://ugetube.com/watch/karen-hudes-discloses-pre-iceage-homo-capensis-extincting-humanity_UyPdNTTGv75FtD5.html
Another Interview: https://ugetube.com/watch/karen-hudes-discloses-pre-iceage-homo-capensis-extincting-humanity_UyPdNTTGv75FtD5.html

Karen Hudes changed her mode after the fake covid hit. She now hints at a "New Dawn" talking about her favourite song is "Oh what a Beautiful Morning."
The Dawn of the New Age is where the Mystery School Cult rebuilds it's "Great Work" the "Tower-Of-Babel" tob.ezyro.com
The Tower-Of-Babel is the 1) Microwave control-grid; 2) a brainchipped population; 3) An Artificial Intelligent Supercomputer which will control the entire world. This is Hudes' gloating of a "Beautiful Morning." She is a Judas Goat convincing the unsworn sheep to be easily herded to their slaughter-houses, so to speak.
All sworn-Cult-thUg believe the ancient Homo capensis is helping them, but instead the human-thUgs have committed the worst of all atrocities by murdering off their own species... it will result in their destroyed value-fulfillment and the calling for more cataclysms or just Nature wiping their unworthy Cult asses' off of the loving Earth. (Well, something like that.)

Homo capensis really does exist https://ugetube.com/watch/phil-schneider-deep-underground-military-bases-2-3-mp4_Q24k2Vw38rLFmLJ.html

Brien Foerster Paracas Museum spokesman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XeLiK7zKKmw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Udwo8Kvvp6Y
A Homo capensis skull was found at one of the ancient copper mines in a Michigan ancient pit https://endtimesand2019.wordpress.com/2018/08/11/the-old-worlds-bronze-age-copper-was-mined-in-michigan/

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