Blame Barack Obama, BLM, and the ‘Summer of George Floyd’ for Uvalde Police Cowardice

2 years ago

“Yesterday, Barack Obama wrote and published the dumbest tweet in the history of Twitter.” That's how Jason ignites today’s fire-starter. Less than 24 hours after a maniac killed 19 innocent children in a Texas elementary school, the former President of the United States swooped in like Kayne West at an award show. “We should take the time to recognize that two years have passed since the murder of George Floyd under the knee of a police officer. His killing stays with us all to this day …” Obama wrote. He would go onto to tell his Twitter disciples to “reimagine policing.” Jason argues that’s part of the issue that enabled the slaughter of kids in Uvalde. The reimagining of policing has led law enforcement officers, and men, to rebuke their natural instincts to run and protect women and children. “Fearless” contributor and congressional hopeful Royce White lends his voice to the conversation on Barack, the globalists' agenda against America, and abortion. And he tells us why Golden State Warriors head coach Steve Kerr is a “liberal white woman.” Then, Steve Kim joins the show to discuss Colin Kaepernick’s attempt to sneak back onto the NFL’s plantation and shares his advice for athletes like 49ers' Javon Kinlaw who want to beef with sports journalists.

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