Blessings of Sri Dharmavira Prabhu to Chant 64 Rounds

2 years ago

Hare Krishna, My name is Ramanada Raya Das. I am going to share about chanting 64 rounds and the experiences with Sri Dharmavira Prabhu. Before that chanting 64 rounds daily is one of the basic rules and regulations in Sri Gaudiya Vaisnava siddhanta.

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu set standard of chanting, 100000 names or 64 rounds daily for Only grihastas who are engaged in household works and He told that then only'I will take prasadam in their house'.

. It is given in Caitanya Bhagawat.. Similarly, when Srila Prabhupada went to western countries, the foreigners were not able to chant 64 rounds daily., So he reduced to 32 rounds and then further reduced to minimum 16 rounds.

Because at least by chanting 16 rounds. They should be able to engage in chanting method and then by getting namaruchi' they should be able to increase the chanting to 64 rounds gradually.. Hence for that place and circumstances he reduced to minimum 16 rounds.

. But today many of us think that chanting 16 rounds daily is maximum.. The truth is that we still have not raised our chanting rounds to the basic standard of chanting based on Gaudiya Vaisnava siddhanta.

, So for this, how to chant 64 rounds daily? I approached Sri Dharmavira Prabhu some years back. In this contact. He gave me his blessings and helped me to chant 64 rounds daily., So I gradually raised from chanting 16 rounds to 64 rounds daily.

In this. What is important is that his blessings make our determination very strong to chant 64 rounds daily. Also when we go gradually to 64 rounds. The surrounding situation also favours the chanting of the Holy name.

. It is very surprising to see. Not only that one will attain chanting of 64 rounds within the short period of time, because the blessings of Sri Dharmavira Prabhu plays a very important role.. One should experience this and then only one can understand the divine importance of his blessings.

Sri Dharmavira Prabhu is a Sat-Guru.. That means he is completely self-realized soul and uttama Bhakta of Lord Krishna., But in this kind of age, finding a self-realized soul is rare, which is confirmed by Sri Krishna in Bhagavad gita.

. This has also been confirmed by the vaisnava siddhanta literatures, like Jaiva, dharma and Hari-Bhakti-Vilas., But by the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. The uttama bhakta, like Sri Dharmavira Prabhu, is available now.

. Hence I request every one that we should utilize his expertise in how to chant Hare. Krishna Maha mantra properly.. Similarly, in Hari-Bhakti-Vilas literature, Sanatana Goswami has clearly mentioned about the relation between Guru and disciples.

, In that one bhakta should spend at least one year with his Guru and study him properly and serve him.. Similarly, the Guru also should study that student properly and understand him fully. Then he should accept him as disciple, and vice versa.

Guru can be a kanistha adhikari or Madhyama adhikari or uttama adhikari level. One gets Guru by the mercy of Krishna and it is based on that person’s desire and faith in Bhakti.. Here, Sri Dharmavira Prabhu is not only an uttama bhakta but also dedicated his whole life to serve others.

. Hence we should somehow or other make use of Sri Dharmavira Prabhu for performing the yuga dharma of kali yuga the sankirtana properly and attain the highest benefit of sankritana Krishna prema in this life.

64 Rounds

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