I Thought To settle at Vrindavan Dham at Old Age, and Chant 64 Rounds

2 years ago


Hare Krishna! My name is Ganga Devi Dasi and today I am submitting my testimonial as how I started chanting 64 rounds. From childhood by seeing my parents as my mother used to chant, I learned chanting and I used to do chanting on beads.

Slowly, slowly as I joined ISKCON my interest increased. When I heard that Sriman Mahaprabhu does not accept offering from those who don’t chant 64 rounds, then I thought maybe I will be able to chant 64 rounds one day.

I used to think it’s impossible to chant 64, even if someone asked me; I used to think this is impossible. By staying in Grihasta life chanting 64 rounds is very difficult. Whenever I used to offer obeisances to Srila Prabhupada I used to pray that maybe I am able to chant 64 rounds and that day may come.

I used to think that when I will settle at Vrindavan Dham at old age, then I will be able to chant 64 rounds. I used to pray daily to Srila Prabhupada that 'when I will be able to chant 64 rounds', meaning 1 lac Harinama.

Then one time I saw in one WhatsApp group Madhavendra Puri das who has taken shelter of Guruji (Sri Dharmavira Prabhu). He wrote one day in group that whoever wants to sincerely chant 64 rounds, should contact him.

I was doing 16 rounds and that too not properly, in that also half was in morning and remaining in evening, and I was not able to concentrate. So I thought let me give it a try to learn 64 rounds, no worries I will chant 32 rounds.

Or at least maybe 16 rounds will be done properly, and I might get useful tips. So I contacted him and he told me that I should contact His Holiness Dharmavira Maharaj, so I contacted him. At initial stage He was reluctant thinking maybe I am not serious about 64 rounds.

He asked me few questions like what I do, and how I do and I was very much materially inclined so he thought that I am not serious. So initially he just casually said 'ok you try chanting 64 rounds'. So I tried 2-3 days and I thought it is impossible but I then contacted him again and again and I requested him and then he asked me some questions like He took test of me to understand my seriousness.

Then he understood that there is some seriousness in me that I want to chant 64 rounds. So then he blessed me and he empowered me to chant 64 rounds. Initially I thought there is no importance of empowerment but after his blessing and empowerment I don’t know how but miracle happened like a magic.

10 days before Kartik month I tried chanting 64 rounds. In the beginning I could chant 25-32 rounds and I could go maximum up to 40 rounds. Slowly I increased and within a 1 week I was able to chant 64 rounds.

But then I thought this is temporary phase, and then I thought no worries I will chant only in Kartik month, and afterwards I will see whether I can maintain or not. I was able to chant 64 rounds for entire Kartik month and I thought I will do it till I can manage, and if not possible then I will quit.

Later I contacted Him again and again and He gave me shiksha: He tought me how to do it and guided me and empowered me further and due to Lord’s mercy I am able to chant minimum 64 rounds till date.

I used to think that being a grihastha it is impossible to chant 64 rounds but really due to his blessing and his empowerment not just 64, we can chant double and triple of that. It is not at all difficult: you just need strong willpower, you need guidance, you need empowerment and you need to follow a routine in life and we all can chant.

64 Rounds

I am not sharing all this to make a show, I am saying this with all my humility. I am saying as I am able to chant 64 and sometime more than that because you all can also chant. If a person like me who was so materially inclined can chant, then you all can chant 100%.

You just need guidance and please receive blessings from him. Whoever is serious in bhakti, you all please take blessings from Sri Dharmavira Maharaj. Really I don’t know but what magic is there in his blessing and in his empowerment that you all be able to chant 64 rounds.

If you are all serious then please contact him and try to chant minimum 64 rounds daily. Guruji says we all can go to Sri Goloka in this very lifetime, it is not that difficult. You just need strong willpower and you need blessing of pure Vaishnava and his guidance.

We cannot call anyone a pure Vaishnava: only the one who is realized, one who can bless, he is pure Vaishnava. And with his blessing you can go to Goloka. Guruji says we can go to Goloka in this very lifetime, it’s not like that you need many births.

You just need blessing of pure self-realized soul and His shelter. By Sadhu sanga everything is possible, in this very life time you can go to Goloka. You all chant 64 rounds, just like I am able to chant you all can chant too.

Hare Krishna!

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