Dharmavira Prabhu Blessed Me to Chant 100 000 Holy Names Daily

2 years ago


And I wanted to share with you my testimonial about how I started chanting 64 rounds or 100 000 Holy Names also known as lakshanam.

First of all I had a strong desire to chant 64 rounds but I thought it was a mission impossible.

It was more than three years ago when I came to idea to pray to be able to chant 64 rounds on the occasion of akshaya tritia. For those who don't know akshaya tritia is a very auspicious day for starting new projects or ventures. It is said that things that you start on this day will last, they will be successful and they will grow expand and multiply.

So I wanted to use the auspiciousness of this day for increasing my increasing my chanting of the Holy Names. The result was that I chanted on that day but only 32 rounds. I continued to chant for some time but only up to 32 rounds and that with a great struggle. I couldn't reach 64 rounds no matter how hard I tried. Finally after some time I had to give up chanting even 32 rounds and I went back to chanting 16 rounds.

Around that time I met Sri Dharmavira Prabhu and accepted him as my guru and my personal guide. After few months, one day it was in september 2015, he blessed me to chant 100 Holy Name 100 000 Holy Names daily and from from that day on I have been chanting 64 rounds without fail. So now you know the mercy of a pure devotee, it made me start chanting 64 rounds immediately which is something I couldn't do with all my power.

I hope this inspires others to start chanting or at least to want to chant and ask blessings from Sri Dharmavira Prabhu.

Seeing living examples in chanting is very inspiring, that's why I make this video not to show off or disclose the number of my rounds publicly to get admiration from others, no!

One of the most important things that I learned from Dharmavir Prabhu is waking up early very early as early as possible and this is the secret of all success, material and spiritual of course it means going to sleep early as well.

As early as 8 p.m or 9 p.m, the latest Dharmavira Prabhu wakes up at around 2 a.m in the morning to chant the Holy Names. He has been doing this every single day for decades it's a great example for me and others to follow.

A year ago I started working full time and I was very afraid if I would be able to continue chanting 64 rounds daily. I also must do so many household duties at home but to my great surprise I have been able to maintain my chanting standard even with such a busy daily schedule. It is due to blessings of Dharmavira Prabhu but also due to my desire to chant and a good organization of daily activities.

Now I want to add few words about the absolute necessity and importance of a bona fide guru. I always knew in my heart that I wanted to have a pure devotee a self-realized soul as my guru. Not just anyone wearing a dress of a guru or being considered guru by ignorant people. I prayed sincerely for a long time to Lord Balaram to send me such a guru. After few great disappointments Sri Balarama and Srila Prabhupada sent me Dharmavira Prabhu.

This serving receiving instructions and chastisement is not possible without a bona fide living guru. Srila Prabhupada said in Bhagavat-Gita chapter 12 verses 8 to 12 in his purport, transcendental life begins when one accepts a bona fide Spiritual Master, it begins only then. Accepting a non-bona fide guru means you haven't even started transcendental life.

Further serving a false guru won't give you any spiritual result, on the contrary you will get karmic reaction as it is ordinary karma-kanda. Likewise the same thing will happen if you hear from and follow instructions of such a false guru. I am not making up anything, this is all written in the shastra by our beloved acharyas.

However serving a pure devotee is not easy, there is always a risk of committing apharad. So one must be very careful enough and aware of that because of you can fall down from mercy of Krishna at any moment without even noticing. All this actually means that goloka-vridavan and Krishna prema is not at all cheap, it's not just chanting few rounds or singing in kirtans and taking prasadam.

Which by the way usually turns into personal sense gratification due to material conditioning from time immemorial. Devotional service of bhakti is far more than that and you will know this when you actually accept a bona fide guru and when you're really serious about your spiritual advancement if you want something cheap you will get cheap things and you will be cheated.

No Krishna prema means no goloka vrindavana. We chant 64 rounds because we want to please Gauranga Mahaprabhu who said that one should chant 100 000 holy names daily as a minimum, and it was him who set the actual chanting standard. In fact 64 rounds is a little bit over 100 100 000 holy names. The concession that Srila Prabhupada gave for 16 rounds as minimum was given for beginners in spiritual life.

64 Rounds

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