38 +P Snub-nose Ballistic Gel Shoot: 140 gr Xtreme Penetrator v 158 gr Rem HTP v 158 gr Buffalo Bore

2 years ago

38 Special +P Snub-nose Ballistic Gel Test Shoot: 140 grain Xtreme Penetrator by Underwood vs 158 grain Remington High Terminal Performance vs 158 grain Buffalo Bore Lead Semi Wad Cutter Hollow Point

Previous chronograph tests:
Buffalo Bore 158 grain 38 +P LSWCHP:
Results: five shot average of 1008 fps, or 357 foot pounds of energy (!!!)

Remington 158 grain HTPs and Underwood Xtreme Penetrators:
Results: five shot averages;
Remington HTPs - 822 fps, or 237 foot pounds of energy
Underwood Ext. Pen. - 867 fps, or 234 foot pounds of energy

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