High Council of the Galactic Federation of Worlds ( May 18 2022)

2 years ago

A representative of the High Council of the Galactic Federation of Worlds is giving this message:
"In order to counter the last stage of the Nebu agenda and put an end to it, a section of the Prime Directive has been amended. It includes a clause stipulating that the free will of a species at Stage 1 or Stage 2 is recognized by the Greater Universal Law, if not influenced by an outside threatening source forcing and influencing free will to benefit their own agenda, at the detriment of the said species. The Universal Law of Evolution regards this case as interference. A coerced decision, even if it appears as free will, is not. It only infringes the Universal Law and the Prime Directive if the coercion comes from an outside, off-world invasive interference, working for their own benefit, at the detriment of a lesser evolved Stage 1 or 2 culture."

The official text amended to #IX, cited and explained above by the representative of the High Council of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, is this one:
"The free will of a Stage 1 or Stage 2 planetary culture works in accordance with the Greater Universal Law of Evolution, when not coerced or influenced by an outside source working for their own benefit to the detriment of the said lesser evolved culture. Manipulation of free will upon a lesser evolved culture is nullified regarding the greater Universal Law of Evolution. It is in this case considered by The Prime Directive as interference, and the Galactic Federation of Worlds reserves the right to intervene. "

DOWNLOAD THE PRIME DIRECTIVE HERE: https://www.elenadanaan.org/
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