GTA Online Bonuses and Changes March 18th, 2021 | GTA V

3 years ago

Changes for GTA: Online for the week of March 18th, 2021
Log-in anytime this week to unlock the Brute Heavy Duty Tee
This weeks Podium vehicle is the Pfister Comet SR
The Premium Race for this week is Congestion Charge
The Time Trial is Stab City
And the RC Time Trial is Cypress Flats
The discounts for this week are
40% Off of the - Schyster Deviant - Nagasaki Weaponized Dinghy - Benefactor Schlagen GT - Declasse Tulip
40% Off of the Arena Workshop and Renovations
30% Off of all Arena Vehicle Armor Plating - Proximity Mines - Vehicle Weapons - Spikes - and Blades, and free Jump Upgrades for all Arena Vehicles.
30% Off of the Western Deathbike - Declasse Impaler - Bravado Sasquatch - Vapid Slamvan H-V-Y Scarab - Annis ZR380
And 20% Off of the Mammoth Squaddie
The bonuses for this week are double cash, RP, and Arena Points on all Arena War Modes
Double cash and RP on Rhino Hunt and Special Vehicle Work

Thank you for checking out my video. Hopefully you enjoyed it. If you have any comments, criticisms, or requests feel free to leave them in the comment section below.
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My Setup
Xbox1 + HyperX Headset + CAD U37 Mic + AVerMedia LGP Lite + Shitty PC + OBS Studio + Cali Smoke

Here is a list of the games I own. If you would like to see content on them, let me know.

Grand Theft Auto V Online - Red Dead Redemption 1 & 2 - Kingdom Come Deliverance - Cities: Skylines - Deep Rock Galactic - Dying Light - Call of Juarez Gunslinger - No Man’s Sky - Elite: Dangerous - Astroneer - World of Tanks - Armored Warfare - World of Warships - Dirt Rally 2.0 - The Long Dark - We Happy Few - Minecraft - Bomber Crew - Space Crew - Space Engineers - Stranded Deep - Void Bastards - Cuphead - Far Cry Blood Dragon - Far Cry 3

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