Chaos_Ohm - Easter Fail

3 years ago

This is not the correct flier for the show, there was none... But this show was done on Easter Sunday of 2010. There were a bunch of folks at the house and I invited them all down to Jam with me on this. I basically just told everyone to wing it and play as best they could along with a droning low freq. synth detuned bassline played through a very nice large quality bass amp. The drums were unmicked, and the guitar was played through a nice tube amp. Everything was recorded using a stereo portable digital recorder and later mixed and mastered on my computer. Tracks one through 5 are the live portion which had Chris Zeppieri on guitar throughout with me on drums. Jay-O guest drummed on track 4, Kate Wurster did stand up bass for tracks 1-3. Track 6 is a remix of the original 30 min. synth bassline and track 7 is just some crazy random stuff. Recorded in the basement of 56 Elm St., Plattsburgh, NY. The baseline track was titled "6.13" and the album was titled "A Tribute to Sunn O))) & Tribes of Neurot", although I've since decided on "Easter Fail" since it was recorded on Easter accidentally and no one showed up for the show. So it kinda sucks, but is par for the course for people making experimental music in Plattsburgh... FYI, the original Bassline track from the computer had binaural brainwave "beats" hidden within it which became monaural beats when played thru the bass amp. The final mix of the live tracks have the original bassline mixed 30% over it, so it lends itself to re-crating the stereo effects... I included "Rissunnette" so you could listen thru headphones and get the intended binaural effect, just be sure to remove your headphones before the track ends, as it quiets down. "reddick" starts off LOUD. I figured it was a horrible way to end this album, enjoy! =D

00:00 "6.13" pt.1
04:29 "6.13" pt.2
10:44 "6.13" pt.3
16:12 "6.13" pt.4
24:25 "6.13" pt.5
28:09 "Risunnette"
38:48 "reddick"

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