Cosmic Conversations 49 Pt. 2

2 years ago

Welcome to Cosmic Conversations! In todays episode, we're addressing what TRUE INDIGENOUS SPIRITUALITY actually is.

I'm using a conversation I had with someone who wanted me to support their light-worker system for the purpose of showing you just how lost, sad, and depressed you become when you don't know that you are the God that gives your Body life.

Indigenous Individuals know that they are a God separate from all other Gods. This is why Indigenous Individuals know how to take true responsibility for their infinite power.

If you don't feel like the God that created your life, then you're no where close to the spiritual space of being able to take responsibility for your own life.

This results in you looking for God outside of yourself, instead of inside of yourself.

Once you're looking for God outside of yourself, you're also looking for someone to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR ACTIONS

Aka- You're looking for someone to unburden you of your Sin

Once you take responsibility for your own actions, you know that, as a true child of God, you're not nearly as sinful as Jewish Christians teach you you are.

Because Native Americans took responsibility for their Godly actions, they built a utopia that Judeo-Europeans needed to colonize, conquer, and consume in order to manifest their destiny of building a "New World Order"

Everything that Makes America Great was physically, emotionally, spiritually, and historically stolen from the Native Americans that Europeans used the Bible to violently and profitably enslave.

The Library Of Alexandria, which held all of the knowledge shared by Tehuti Hermes Trismegistus, was burned down by the "New World Order" that decided humans did not deserve Metatron's teachings.

Now, the world is ran by Mono-Theistic Banks who violently stole every idea they possibly could from Hermes, Tehuti, Quetzalcoatl, Zoroaster, Idris, Hermanubis, and Odin. All so they can teach you the opposite of what Mercury does.

Mercury teaches you that you are a space that must become God and imagine your ego in order to exist through a Mind.

The Masons that stole Mercury's teachings indoctrinate you into believing that you are a structure created by their Mind, and their Mind is superior to your Mind because they, as Jews, are claiming to be the ONLY and TRUE "Children Of The One God That Created Everything In Existence"

Masons to Jesus to Justify the genocide, r8pe, and murder that they spread because they claim that every Indigenous Individual they stole wisdom from is an unconscious expression of their Satanic Baphomet Overlord known as the "One True God" Abraham.

Now you can see how the Light Supremacist Jew World Order have stolen all their ideas from Mercury so they can make money enslaving you for as long as spiritually possible.

Mercury teaches you how to love yourself

Masons teach you how to hate yourself

Mercury teaches you how to be a joyful spirit

Masons teach you how to be a miserable demon

Mercury teaches you that you must build Heaven for your God

Masons teach you that you must build Heaven for their God

Mercury teaches you that you are a Creator

Masons teach you that you are a Consumer

If you want to learn the full truth of how Masons stole all of their spiritual ideas from the Messengers of Mercury, then visit and join us in AlwaysAscendingAcademy

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