LTC ep 72: Control Matrixes: There are many layers of distortions within ‘truths’

2 years ago

This week's #LunchtimeChats​​​​ highlights are:

♥ Multi-dimensional & sacred geometry distortions

The hijacking of many aspects of the collective consciousness run wide and deep. Some teachings often do not represent the real organic truths. In this video, Christina discusses the distortions within sacred geometry teachings and imagery such as the ‘Daisy of death’ vs the real ‘Flower of Life’and the Merkaba symbol.

She also discusses the multi-dimensional forces that contribute to the control matrix. These forces are beyond human efforts, extend to planetary forces and even beyond the veil of our galaxy.

As we wake up to the levels of control, and unravel our blindspots, we step into the ‘flow-ness’ of our being. We start walking a path of destiny rather than just fate. What is the difference? It’s the difference between living by default in comfortability vs creating your souls’ true desires even with bumpy roads.

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