How to play Times Up! (aka Fish Bowl)

8 years ago

Learn the rules to the Parlor game Times Up quickly and concisely - This visually rich video has no distractions, just the rules.


The objective of the game is to be the team with the most points after three rounds. There are a few different ways to play, but I’ll explain the most basic way to play here. Times up is a fun party game that is a combination of catchphrase, password, and charades. Give 3 pieces of paper to each player and have them write a different noun, verb, adjective, or phrase on each piece of paper. These will be the clues for everyone to guess. Gather everyone’s pieces of paper and mix them up in a bowl. Divide the players into two teams and have each team sit on one side of the room.

The game consists of three rounds, each using the same pieces of paper as clues to guess. During each round, players from each team take turns trying to get their teammates to guess what is written on their piece of paper. A player has 1 minute to get their team to guess as many clues as they can. Drawing papers, one at a time, from the bowl, they silently read the word and try to get their team to guess.

They cannot use any of the words written on the paper, and they are not allowed to pass. Each time someone on your team guesses correctly drop the paper on the ground and grab a new one. After 1 minute is through, count the number of correctly guessed papers on the ground and set them aside (but not back in the bowl). That team receives 1 point per paper which is marked on a score pad. The next team takes a turn, alternating players so everyone has equal time being the clue giver. This continues until all clues are guessed.

During the first round, players can use as many words to describe what is written. The only limit is that players cannot say any of the words included in the clue. Players are welcome to use sounds, or even charades if needed. After all the clues have been guessed, pause the time, gather all the pieces of paper and mix them back into the bowl.

During the second round, play continues with the player who finished the last round resuming the time remaining. After that, The next players have 1 minute just like before. Unlike the first round, in the second round players are only allowed to use 1 word to describe what’s written, so choose your word carefully. However, since each round uses the same pieces of paper, everyone has an idea of what to guess. Again, after all the clues have been guessed, pause the time and gather all the pieces of paper and mix them back into the bowl.

The final round continues like the second round, only this time, players are only allowed to act out what is written, and are not allowed to use any words or sounds.

If a player accidentally uses a word or sound that helps their team guess correctly, the point doesn’t count, the player mixes the clue back into the bowl, ends their turn, and the other team takes their turn. After all the clues have been guessed, score points for that turn. Tally up the total score for each team. The team with the most points wins.

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