Funeral Directors in C19 Epicenter Doubt Legitimacy of Deaths Attributed to Pandemic (Apr. 2020)

2 years ago

Hadn't seen this video by Project Veritas yet. The total unreliability of COVID statistics where the deaths due to COVID are greatly exaggerated, is known among the well-informed.

People who died and merely had a positive hyper oversensitive test are labeled as COVID deaths, even if they had no flu like symptoms and multiple severe co-morbidities and terminal disease. This video clearly shows that even a positive test is unnecessary: (almost) all deaths were attributed to COVID without any research.

I'm extremely impressed that Project Veritas was on this already in April of 2020.

Fast forward 2 years, and the majority of the population still have no idea whatsoever on the exaggerated COVID statistics.


Counting Covid - Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson

DOH Whistleblower Says COVID Inflated for Profit ‘He went for gunshot wounds and was coded as COVID’


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