Demonisation of the Working Class: Refuting Jordan Theresa Part 1

3 years ago

Recently I was recommended to check out this argument on the demonisation of the working class by Jordan Theresa, a young British woman who makes the argument that Margaret Thatcher destroyed the working class.

It's the common myth you will hear a lot from critiques of Margaret Thatcher, that she destroyed Britain's manufacturing industry, as if to claim it was all their evil scheme and as if Britain had some sort of a choice over the issue. This is why I am refuting Jordan Theresa on the demonisation of the working class because many people like her fail to comprehend why Thatcher did what she did, nor do people seem to understand the economic and political history that led to the closure of the manufacturing industry.

In this video I address upon the decline of the coal mining industry, why it was going out the door in Britain, the unemployment myth regarding the 1980s under Margaret Thatcher and why the Trade Union Congress were not the protector of jobs.

I've lost count of the amount of people who fail to comprehend the problems Britain was facing with regards to why the soaring inflationary problems occurred, they seem to be under the illusion that they can run the printing press and nothing will go wrong.

As I've long argued, Margaret Thatcher was not perfect, but she most certainly was not the person the political left make her out to be.If there was any demonising of the working class, that was carried out by the socialists running the printing press.

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