Inseparable shelter dogs get married in adorable ceremony with their own MINI CHAPEL

2 years ago

Two inseparable shelter dogs got married in an adorable ceremony - with their own specially made mini chapel complete with bubble machine

Nine-year-old Peanut and three-year-old Cashew got married at the San Antonio Humane Society (SAHS) in Bexar County, Texas last Wednesday (18/05).

Both Chihuahuas were surrendered in April 2022 by their families to SAHS as they could no longer be taken care of.

The pair met in the SAHS medical building after their respective dental surgeries and instantly bonded.

After watching their relationship blossom, staff decided to organise the ceremony in the hopes of finding Peanut and Cashew their forever homes.

The romantic occasion featured the pups dressed to the nines with a red carpet flanked with dog-shaped hedges.

Lucia Almanza, a Public Relations Associate at SAHS, said: “The ceremony was to celebrate their love and recovery journey.

“Their small, intimate wedding day was shared with staff, volunteers and our closest friends.

“The event included a beautiful walk down the aisle, bubbles, music and cake, of course!”

A mini wedding chapel was also built for the occasion.

She added: “A couple of days before we had some volunteers who constructed Peanut and Cashew.

"Their very own chapel in their own time, complete with a bubble machine for added fun for the dogs.”

Lucia explained that Peanut and Chestnut are both available individually for adoption at the SAHS, but staff are hoping they get to continue their honeymoon together forever.

The San Antonio Humane Society is a non-profit, no-kill organization that was founded in 1952.

Every year SAHS shelters, medically treats and rehabilitates thousands of dogs and cats who remain in their care until adopted.

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