🚨🚨🚨 SAY WHAT NOW.. ?!??! ☠️ "DR" that pushed the Jab . DID NOT get it himself ? 💉

2 years ago

SSOOoooo... the Tell-Lie-Vision - " DR " that told everyone to go out and get the Free Experimental Government Jab for the CONvid PLANdemic.. didnt get it ?? YOU DONT SAY.... His excuse " Too Busy " ( For Two Years ) ??
And still sits there and tells Health-Care workers and Australians to roll up their sleeve.... After ALLLlll the data coming back that the Un-Vaxxed arent dying... hhhmmmmmm....

Look at KARL'S Body Language at the end change from smiling at the start...... and the way he says ... OOKKK... He didn't like what he heard....

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