How to play Clue Card Game

5 years ago

Learn the rules to the card game Clue Card Game quickly and concisely - This visually rich video has no distractions, just the rules.

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Part 1 - Setup:
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The object of the game is to be the first player to solve the crime by figuring out what the 3 facedown evidence cards are. On your turn, ask the player to your left about any two pieces of evidence that you think were involved in the crime. You can ask about two different types, like “Plum and the knife”, or two of the same type: like “the Kitchen and the dinning room”. If that player has one of the evidence cards you’ve asked about in their hand, they must secretly show it to you. If they have both cards you asked about in their hand, then they pick which one to secretly show you. If they have neither card, they must say so.

If the player doesn’t have any of the cards, then the next player clockwise is asked about the same two evidence cards. If they don’t show you any, then the next player clockwise is asked, so that every other player is asked. If a player does show you an evidence card, then your turn ends and no more players are asked about the two evidence cards. Use the new information to discard your own case file cards to your cleared pile and the next player clockwise takes a turn. Remember, if a player shows you an evidence card, you know it isn’t in the crime and can discard it.

Keep playing until someone makes an accusation. On your turn, if you think you know who, what, and where; say you want to make an accusation. Ask if anyone else would also like to accuse. If you are the only one accusing, lay out one suspect, weapon, and location case file card from your hand face down in front of you. Now secretly look at cards under “the crime”, making sure no one else sees. If all three cards match your accusation, reveal them, along with your accusation cards, and you win! If they don’t match, then you lose. Return the cards facedown. You must continue playing but you may no longer ask questions, you may only show cards, and must answer truthfully.

If more than 1 player is accusing, then you determine an accusation order: first, second, third, and last. Each player places one weapon, suspect, and location case file card face down in front of them. Once all the accusing players have done this, they all reveal their accusation simultaneously. The first player looks at the crime cards, if the cards match their accusation, then they win, if not, they lose and the next player in the accusation order goes. The first player with the correct match wins. If no one matches correctly, then all the players lose.

For advanced gameplay, add in the cards with the + symbol on them to add more possibilities. You may also play with 2 players. In a two player game, when one player makes an accusation, then the other player must make one as well.

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