How to play Crossword

4 years ago

Learn the rules to Crossword Puzzles quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules.

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The object of the game is to fill in all the rows and columns with the correct words. Each box may only have 1 letter in it and words may not extend past the number of available boxes. You may not us numbers, spaces, or symbols, only letters. There are small numbers in some of the boxes, starting at the top right with 1 and increasing towards the bottom left. These numbers corelate to clues or questions as to what word is supposed to go in the box. The number applies to the box it is in as well as the boxes to the right of it or down from it. Cross reference the number to the “Across” clues or the “down” clues respectively to determine the answer to the boxes. Letters from words in rows may be used in words in the intersecting columns and vice versa. This can help you in solving more words as you go along. Once you successfully fill in all the rows and columns with the correct words, you win.

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