Patience & Inaction Ruined My Life

2 years ago

When you should be patient and let things unfold naturally in your life to get what you want, and how to know when you should take action to make things happen on purpose.

In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who says that being too patient, not standing up for himself and waiting too long for things to unfold has ruined his life. He says it led to him getting walked all over and treated like a doormat by his ex-girlfriend instead of leaving her and meeting someone new. He let friends talk trash about him behind his back when he knew what they were saying and did nothing about it. He used to say to people when asked about his best quality that it was his patience. He says he feels that patience is evil and has no place in this world since being too patient led to him being passive and not taking any action to help himself. He asks my opinion on his perspective on patience.

“Patience is a necessary and essential component to making your dreams a reality and getting what you want in life. However, being patient does not mean that you let people walk all over you, treat you harshly or that it is justification for inaction. You should to pay more attention to what people do and less attention to what they say, as their actions reveal their true intentions and interests. So whether it’s a sales negotiation, a friendship, a romantic relationship or making your dreams a reality, you must give other people the space and time to do what they say they are going to do and co-create with you. You can’t force things or force people to do things they can’t or won’t do on their own. Therefore, when a person’s actions do not match their words, you must let them go and continue seeking and searching until you find someone whose words and actions are congruent.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne

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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne

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