How to play Call to Adventure: The Stormlight Archive

4 years ago

Learn the rules to Brandon Sanderson's official Stormlight Archive board game quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules. For the Setup instructions, check out this video:
For the Co-op and Solo instruction, check out this video:

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In The Stormlight Archive, the object of the game is to create a hero with the highest Destiny score. On your turn you may choose to use any number of card abilities, play hero or anti-hero cards, and/or journey, but on every turn you must either gain a trait or face a challenge. Traits have 1 path, indicated at the top of the card, while challenges have 2 paths, indicated at both the top and bottom of the card.

To gain a trait, simple take it from the face up selection on the table. If it has a stated prerequisite, then you must meet that prerequisite before you can take it. Gained traits in act 1 go behind your origin card so that the top of the trait card is visible. Traits in act 2 go behind your motivation card. And act 3 traits go behind your destiny card. Apply any trait abilities from the text of the card when you gain it or when it says to apply it. All cards on your board, plus any gained Ally cards, make up your hero’s Story.

To attempt a challenge, pick a face up challenge card you wish to face and declare which path you are taking from either the top or the bottom. The difficulty of each challenge is indicated by the number in the top left of the card. If the path you choose contains a +1 icon, then the difficulty in increased by 1. Next you gather your pool of rune stones to roll. There are 3 types of runes: core runes, ability runes, and dark runes. You always add all 3 core runes to each challenge. Then, you add ability rune stones as indicated by the visible rune icons in your story, 1 rune stone per icon. You may only use runes that match the relevant icons in the challenge.

Each challenge has 2 relevant icons you can match with. These are located just below the difficulty number. You may only ever add a maximum of 3 rune stones of each color. The special rune stone with the 3 dots is always added last as the 3rd and final rune.

During a challenge, you may also spend 1 experience token to add 1 dark rune stone. You may add up to 3 dark runes per turn, unless your corruption marker is at the bottom of the corruption track, then you may not spend experience to roll dark runes. Next, you may play hero or anti-hero cards in your hand that say “play this before any hero attempts a challenge,” applying their effects. Finally, you cast the runes.

To cast the runes, gather up your pool of applicable rune stones and toss them on the table, this is called an attempt. In the rare event that a stone lands on its side, you pick which side you want to be face up. Add up the combined value of all the cast runes. If a rune shows a single line, that value is 1. If a rune shows a symbol or a symbol with 3 dots, that value is 2. If a rune shows a red diamond, triangle, or moon then the value is 0. A rune with a red diamond allows you to gain 1 experience immediately.

If your attempt is equal to, or greater than, the difficulty of the challenge, then you gain that challenge card. The challenge card is placed under the appropriate character card based on which act you are in, with either the top or bottom of the card showing based on the path taken.

If you fail the challenge, then discard the challenge from the table and gain 1 experience token. Whenever you gain or discard a card from the table, replace it with another card from the corresponding act deck. If you are in a situation where every card on the table is a trait you cannot gain, then discard one face up card and continue your turn.

Whenever you cast a rune with a white triangle, or whenever you gain a story path that has a white hero deck symbol, draw 1 card from the top of the hero deck. If you get a black triangle or dark anti-hero symbol, then draw 1 card from the anti-hero deck. If you get a rune with both triangles on it, you may pick which deck to draw from. Your position on the corruption track determines whether you can play hero or anti-hero cards. Two spots on the corruption tracker allow you to play both. Whenever you cast a dark rune and get a moon, or have a moon icon from an ability or effect, move your hero tracker down one space on the corruption tracker. A sun icon moves you up the corruption track....

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