How to play Co-Op/Solo - Call to Adventure: The Stormlight Archive

4 years ago

Learn the solo and co-op rules to Brandon Sanderson's official Stormlight Archive board game quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules. For the Setup instructions, check out this video:
For the standard rules to the game, check out this video:

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These rules build on or modify the normal rules and setup to allow you to play solo or cooperatively with your friends. To learn the standard rules to the game: check out this video.

Setup the game like you normally would except for these changes:
• Place the Odium adversary card face up on the table.
• Choose 1 adversary quest and place it face up on the table. For your first co-op or solo game, the “Radiants United” quest is recommended.
• Sort out all the anti-hero cards with a skull icon into a new deck. Shuffle that deck and place it face down next to Odium. This is Odium’s deck.
• Place 5 experience tokens on odium for each player playing. 5 tokens for a solo game up to 20 tokens for a 4-player game.

The object of the game is to work together to remove all the experience from Odium AND have each player successfully defeat his challenge card. The adversary quest indicates new rules that you must follow during the game. They indicate when specifically Odium gains experience tokens and when he loses them. Whenever a core rune cast includes both a light and dark triangle, after you draw your card, Odium reveals the top card from his deck. Before resolving your current challenge attempt, you must apply any effects from the flipped Odium card. If the card’s effect doesn’t apply, ignore it. At the end of the current turn, discard any cards Odium played and end any effects from those cards.

When any player begins their turn with 9 story cards, they must face Odium. Each other player then uses their next turn to face Odium. When facing Odium’s challenge card, each player may pick the two ability runes types. Players may use both hero and anti-hero cards, but they may not use dark runes because facing Odium counts as a Radiant path. If your attempt equals or exceeds Odium’s difficulty you succeed. If you exceed Odium’s difficulty, for each number above it, remove 1 experience token from him.

After every player has faced Odium the game ends. If any hero fails, all players lose. If every player beat Odium and he has no more experience tokens left, then the heroes win. Every player who beat Odium receives 1 radiant symbol and 9 triumph points and the player with the highest Destiny score at the end is the ultimate co-op winner.

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