How to play 3 Penny Bet

4 years ago

Learn the rules to the puzzle game 3 Penny Bet quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules. For the solution, check out this video:

Place 3 pennies down on the table in this order, tails tails heads - with a penny gap in between the last tails penny and the heads. Using only your hands, the object of this puzzle is to move the heads penny in between the two tails pennies so that all three are on the table in a straight line. However, you are not allowed to touch the left tails penny with your hands. The heads penny is also not allowed to touch the left tails penny. And the right tails penny may not move in any way. You are not allowed to use any external objects like a pencil or your breath or anything to move any of the pennies, you may only use your hands.

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