According2Sam #114 'The Execution'

2 years ago

It is impossible to really understand the housing crisis that lead to the Great Recession without understanding the three phases of the crisis: the setup, the execution, and the coverup. This is the story of the execution. I tell the first part of the story in episode #79, and this is the part two of the three phases of the plot. In part one I show how the foundations of the financial structure that would eventually collapse were laid in the 1990’s during the Clinton administration. This foundation was deregulation, and in this episode I tell the story of the actual structure that was built on that foundation. The structure was a house of cards, a housing bubble that threatened the economy of the entire world. This was no accident! This was a well planned scheme that was used to show that the economy was growing despite waging two wars, massive increases in federal deficit spending, and 3 rounds of tax cuts. The economy was growing, but it wasn’t real growth. It was the bubble, and for many it all vanished when the bubble popped. How did George Bush purposefully initiate the housing bubble, and how did it help give him cover for his disastrous policies? Join the conversation and get answers to these questions and more on According2Sam episode #114.

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