Jesus will take only His bride and leave everyone else left behind

2 years ago

After the rapture happens starts the 7 year tribulation and time of the antichrist rule, God will pour out His wrath on the entire world!! America will be destroyed and will be no more!, California, Washington, Oregon will get hit by a huge earthquake and everyone there will be dead, Yellowstone will erupt and a huge ash cloud will go all the way to Europe, a huge tsnsumi will hit the east coast and everyone there will be dead, Russia, china, Iran and north Korea will hit America with missiles and no one will escape at all or hide and they will come into America and kill everyone they see and will take prisoners of war, Biden and all the wicked leaders will all be dead and in hell!! America will be no more! Hawaii will be destroyed to by volcanoes erupting, Europe will be destroyed next by missiles, the antichrist will not be in America or Europe but jersalem, then the Lamb opened the 6th seal and there was a huge earthquake , the sun turned black and the moon turned red, and the stars fell out of the sky to earth, the sky receded like a scroll rolling up and every mountain and island was moved from it's place, then the king's of the earth, the prince's, the general's, the rich, the mighty, and every slave and every freeman hid themselves in caves and said to the mountains and rocks fall on us fall on us and hide us from Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb, for the great day of their wrath has come and who can stand? Then there will be great tribulation that the world has never seen or ever will see again!! God is very very angry at the lukewarm dead church people and the wicked and He will leave people left behind! If you did not RSVP to the wedding in heaven you are not going!! Jesus will grab His bride and graves of believers will open up and rise to meet Jesus in the air then thousands of true believers will all be gone and we will all be in heaven! But the lukewarm church people will not be taken at all, they are the foolish bridesmaids who had no oil at all which is the Holy Spirit so they are left behind!! One will be taken and one will be left behind and it will happen! Church people care more about being a church member then following Jesus and will regret it when they are left behind, all the churches will be destroyed and bibles to, there will be one world religion and one world government and it will be the antichrist and if you do not worship the antichrist he will kill you!! God will destroy all His enemies and those with the vaccines will suffer the most!! They are wicked satanic beings anyway they are not human at all but nephilim and there are no nephilim in heaven at all but lake of fire!! Jesus will get rid of Satan, his wicked angels, the antichrist, false prophet, the wicked and everyone who worships the antichrist and got his demonic vaccine mark of the beast will be thrown into the lake of fire or killed by God mighty angels,!! You got the vaccine you are on the loser side and nothing for you at all but God pouring out His bowl judgements on you, demons stinging you, the sun scorching you and you will be thrown into the lake of fire or killed by the Lamb of God!! That is how it is!! Time is up and God turns His back on everyone left behind

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