Lurgi Strikes Britain (US political version)

2 years ago

This was an exclusive on minds+ but its time for others to see, enjoy! if you can even find it !
i dont want to monetize this video as its a goon show but rumble does not give you that option unless its private and not searchable. more evidence this site sucks big donkey balls !

The adventures of Neddy Seagoon and his battle to cure the dreaded lurgi.
This goon show was first broadcast in November 1954.... 66 years before the pandemic, You really can't make this stuff up!
A conspiracy theorist wet dream !
Enjoy and remember its just for fun.

Starring, in no particular order....
Donald Trump - Neddy Seagoon
Dr Fauci - Count Moriati
Mike Pence - valet
Tim Pool - Wallace Greenslade
Xi Jinping - bus driver
Joe Biden - Eccles
General Milley - Major Bloodknock
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - Blue Bottle
Nancy Poloci - Min
Tedros Adhanom - British medical council announcer
Jerry Nadler - Politician
Mich Mc Connell - Crunn / Politician
Adam Schiff - Politician
Bill Gates - Hercules Griptype Fin / Doctor
George Soros - Charity Gala singer

music electronica dub techno 420 ableton mixcraft entertainment news ambient chillout layed back stupid search on rumble terrible website hides free users videos tags a kimbo ufo cia nsa viral economics Trump Biden Harris.

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