How to Solve a Rubik's Cube | Easy Beginner's tutorial | Layered Method

4 years ago

Learn how to solve a Rubik's Cube with the layered method quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the solution.

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0:00 Intro
0:05 Daisy
0:18 White Cross
0:36 Layer 1 Corners
1:40 Layer 2 Prep
1:54 Layer 2 Algorithm
2:47 Layer 3 Prep
3:01 Layer 3 Top
3:19 Yellow Cross Prep
3:40 Yellow Cross Algorithm
4:10 Layer 3 Corners Prep
4:24 Layer 3 Corners Algorithm
4:59 Final Step Prep
5:10 Final Step Algorithm
5:32 Top Center issue?
5:39 Top Center Algorithm
5:56 Outro

Flip the cube so the yellow center is faceup. Ignore the corners and manipulate the cube until you get the 4 white middle edges next to the yellow center, kinda like a daisy. Rotate the top until the center color on the side matches the color above it, then rotate that face all the way to the bottom. Rotate the top for each of the sides until you form a white cross on the bottom.

Flip the cube over so the white cross is on top. First, focus on removing all the white corners from the top that are incorrect by rotating the side down, then the bottom over, then rotating the side back up. Repeat this process until all the white corners are all on the bottom row. Now rotate the bottom until the correct white corner matches the 2 adjacent sides center colors. Slide the bottom white in the direction towards its 2 partner tiles on the bottom row. Then slide the opposite vertical side from the white down. Slide the bottom back and then the side the side back up. Repeat this process for each corner. If the white tile is facing down then you will need to rotate the bottom away from you, the side up, the bottom back, then the side back down. If a white corner is incorrect because of this, perform the previous process to get it to the bottom. The top should be completely white and the first row on each side should match its adjacent center color.

Flip the cube over so the yellow side is up. Rotate the top until you make a vertical center line of one color, with the top side color matching the center color of an adjacent face of the cube. This will be the target side. Rotate the top row in the direction away from the target. Rotate the target side up, then rotate the top back and the side down. The top corner side color should match the original vertical line color and include a white tile. Now slide the top towards the target side, then rotate the front face up so that the 2 white tiles are on the bottom. Rotate the top back, then the face back down so the bottom is white again. Repeat this process until the entire 2nd row is complete. During this, if no colored tile matches a target side because there is only yellow then perform these steps with any side to move the needed tiles out. Then you can complete the 2nd row.

Flip the cube so yellow is up if it isn’t already. Ignore the corners and orient the face so that it shows a dot, horizontal line, or a right angle in the top left. Rotate the face clockwise, the top to the left, the right side up, the top back to the right, the right side down, then the face counter clockwise. You can remember this step by FUR says URF meaning you move the Front, then Upper, then Right, followed by upper right front, with these 2nd rotations being in the opposite directions as the first.

If the top does not show a yellow cross, reorient the cube and try again as many times as it takes. Once you have a yellow cross, if one corner is yellow, making a fish pattern, you “feed the fish” by holding it so the fish eats out of your left hand. If none of the corners are yellow, hold the cube with a yellow side facing left. If 2 corners are yellow, then hold the cube with your left thumb on one of the empty corners with the yellow facing you, remember this with the saying “I see 2, my left thumb’s on you”.

With the correct orientation, rotate the right up, the top left, the right down, the top left, the right up, the top left two times, then the right down. You can remember this because the right rotations always alternate direction and the top rotation always goes to the left. Just remember to rotate the top left twice on the third time because “three strikes and you’re out”. If the top isn’t entirely yellow, reorient the cube and repeat this process as many times as needed until the top is entirely yellow.

Now, rotate the top until 2 corners are in the correct location, then put those corners at the back, like tail lights on a car. If the matching corners are in opposite corners just but one to the back. Rotate the right side down, the front face clockwise, the right side down, the far back face to the left twice, the right side up, the front face counterclockwise...

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