Regarding “Wokeism”

2 years ago

I am recording this in honour of all the hateful, racistic, bigoted, white supremacists, black Uncle Toms, and people of every shade of pink, brown, yellow, red, binary and/or non-binary who dare to imply that facts, culture, philosophy, and history matter. Indeed, assert that reality itself matters. Don't you know that logic, reason, epistemology, and ethics are simply tools of white patriarchal power used to dominate the intersectionally oppressed? Just ask any Postmodernist or Critical Theorist, they will tell you how hateful your speech is!
Regarding “Wokeism”:
I actively collect their "arguments" like a philatelist collects rare stamps. With this exception, I can easily exchange any one of them for another ideologically possessed wokester to have the identical discussion. At the same time wokesters haven't a clue where I am coming from since I don't derive my thinking from the social collectivist "hive mind".
The only thing which makes us truly human is our ability to think for ourselves which is why Postmodernists and Cultural Marxists loathe humanity itself. In fact, so much so that they despise themselves which is why they so easily succumb to hate and fear any speech that can demonstrate their lack of reason. Therefore, out of false moralizing they label reason itself as hateful because they are driven by both pathological nihilism and narcissistic delusion.
Regarding George Soros announcing at Davos that we may well already be in WWIII and that it will spell the end of Western Civilization:
Putin and the Ukraine are merely symptoms of decades of naivety and ridiculous foreign policies where we thought we could convince people with radically differing world views that the Western world view was the best. Meddling in the affairs of others and central planning led us here economically while philosophically the West has rejected the Grand Narrative upon which it is built. Therefore, if Soros’s assertions are correct the West has destroyed itself and Soros is just one of the many carrion crows who have come to feed on our carcass.
The result of the abandonment of the Grand Narrative:
Consequently, I cannot keep silent regarding the corruption of thought in the West. Frankly, I haven't got a choice. The prevalent ideological nonsense is so outrageous and ungodly I'm compelled to speak out. I couldn't keep silent even if I was to exert all my effort. We live in dangerous, perverse, and unnatural times when the West has rejected the Grand Narrative which for 1500 years defined Western thinking. Namely the story of a blameless innocent, the only truly good man who has ever lived, was betrayed by His own, sent to the Cross by the very globalist authorities that had turned his country into a Roman satellite state governed by corrupt Jewish leader who answered to Rome with the help of an equally corrupt Sanhedrin, that even Christ’s own mother Mary was willing to surrender her Son to His torment willingly, that the call to take up our own Cross to follow Him and that it is the work of the Cross which has redeemed mankind is the central theme of Western thinking is now being rejected by an unnatural cadre of ideologically possessed Academics who call this sacrifice "White Supremacy", all these things are evidence of the fact that the West long ago lost the plot. So, I must condemn this idiocy with every fibre of my being. The Grand Narrative is the foundation of and for Western civilization without which it cannot exist!

I'm an uneducated and ignorant man but not sufficiently unwise to destroy the very foundation upon which our entire ethos, ethics, epistemology, and ontology rests. And these Postmodern fools do it by replacing the West's greatest philosophical and Divine constructs with what, nihilism? Because that is all they have to offer us in the name of "equity"! Oh, we will be equal alright, since society will become equally mad! Which is exactly what wokeism is!

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