Russia Sends T-62 Tanks to Ukraine

2 years ago

T-62 tanks sent to Ukraine. Photographed in Melitopol.

Very short video update here. So, it appears that we have confirmation that Russia is dragging ancient T-62M and T-62MV tanks out of storage for use in the war. These videos here shows tanks been moved from storage in Rostov Oblast and Crimea. In 2000, 191 were in active service and 1,929 in storage. In 2013, all of them were allegedly scrapped. This was proven not true as a number were reactivated to supply the Syrian Army.

Now, we are seeing them dragged out of storage again. For use in Ukraine. The T-62 is old. First entering service in 1961. It is inferior to other tanks in use in Ukraine in terms of armor and gun optics and it requires a 4-man crew. In addition to the footage of them being transported, we have these two photos showing them arriving in Melitopol.

It is unknown if these are going to be replacing lost T-72s with the main Russian Army, or if Russia intends to use them to equip the LPR and DPR forces.

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