How to play Pahrcheesi

4 years ago

Learn the rules to the board game Parcheesi (also called Pahrcheesi) quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules.

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The object of the game is to be the first player to get all four of your pawns into your home space. Layout the board and each player selects a color and puts the 4 pawns of that color in their matching large circle. Each player rolls the dice and the player with the highest total goes first, then play proceeds clockwise.

On your turn, roll both the dice. In order to move a pawn from your circle to your start space, you must roll a 5 OR the total of the 2 dice must add up to 5. If you roll 2 fives, then you can move 2 pawns to the start space, unless there are already pawns on your start space. Then you would only move pawns until there are 2 on the start space. No more than 2 pawns of the same color can share any space.

Instead of moving pawns to your start space, you may move any of your pawns that are already on the board clockwise around the board, following the arrows. You may move 1 pawn the total rolled or 1 pawn the number on 1 die and another pawn the number on the other die. Any time you roll doubles you get to move and roll again, even if you have already rolled doubles this turn.

If your pawn lands on or passes the space of an opponent’s pawn, then that pawn is sent back to its large circle, unless that pawn is on a space that has a small gray circle, then that pawn is safe and is not moved back to its circle. Also, a player cannot land on or pass a space that has 2 pawns of the same color on it because they are blocking it, this includes your own. You can keep a block as long as you can continue to legally move other pawns on your turn. But you may not “give up” your turn in order to keep a block. If you have a legal move you must move; but if you have no legal moves, then your turn ends and the next player goes.

When a pawn makes it around the board it continues up its colored spaces towards its home space. When a pawn is on one of the 5 color spaces leading to its home, it cannot be sent back to its circle. Pawns may never enter a home path of a different color and a pawn must reach their home space by an exact count in order to move to it. The first player to move all their pawns to their home space is the winner.

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