Pokemon Nuzlocke: Can I beat a 16 badge gauntlet?

3 years ago

Guys the X and Y challenge came to a tragic end because Serena decided to ghost us in the storyline =(
But a new challenge has come one that far surpasses the difficulty of the previous runs we are going to face a 16 badge gauntlet inside of Minecraft via a heart gold & soul silver adventure map! Lets crush this Nuzlocke challenge!
Hope You Enjoy Like and Hit That Subby

Twitch - Kinda_Loopy
Discord - KindaLoopy#8379

vvvvvvvv dont mind this vvvvvvvv
#funny #pain #youlaughyoulose #you #YLYL #minecraft #pokemon #MinecraftModded #Pokémon #challenge #fails #AMA #rocketleague #RocketLeague #speedrun #roblox #nuzlocke #Nuzlockechallenge #heartgold #soulsilver #HeartGold #SoulSilver

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