We JUST Exposed the Deep State - What We Found is Monumental

2 years ago

Breaking News: The ACLJ has now obtained proof through our Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request that “off-the-record” secret meetings between Iranian Foreign Minister Mohamed Javad Zarif and “former US ambassadors and policy analysts” occurred while President Trump was in office.

As we just told you:

"In the FOIA lawsuit against the State Department that ensued, the ACLJ just obtained a never-before-seen “unclassified” October 2018 memo entitled, “Notes From ‘Iran and the US: An Off-the-Record Conversation with Foreign Minister Mohamad Javad Zarif.’”

According to this memo, the previously unreported “off-the-record meeting” took place at the “Iranian Ambassador’s Residence, NYC,” on October 4, 2018 – just days after major media coverage of Kerry’s admission of the secret efforts. The memo we unearthed contains notes on the former U.S. diplomats’ conversation with Zarif and his responses “to questions posed by a group of US former ambassadors and policy analysts.”

The key here is “former” – and the date, October 2018, right in the middle of the Trump Administration."

It’s important that you understand how bad this is – some Obama-Biden era officials (i.e., the Deep State) used back channels to circumvent the sitting President of the United States and met with Iranian officials regarding a new nuclear deal, undermining the Trump Administration’s foreign policy efforts.

We don’t know for certain who these former “ambassadors” were, yet, but make no mistake the ACLJ will find out, and we will expose them and demand they be held accountable.

One thing we can say is, as we’ve previously told you, John Kerry, the former Secretary of State under President Obama, along with President Obama’s Middle East adviser Robert Malley, conducted secretive backdoor meetings with Iran while President Trump was still in office. Mind you, when originally questioned about it, Kerry denied having any secretive meetings with Iran, saying: “No, I haven’t had any back-channel on that issue since the decision was made to move out. And before that it was not a back-channel.” But it was Zarif himself who revealed Kerry’s denial to be less than truthful.

Whoever the memo is referring to, we do know they could be in violation of a very serious law called the Logan Act, which says as a private citizen you cannot attempt to undercut the official foreign policy of the United States. These so-called ambassadors were actively undercutting America’s foreign policy, having these clandestine meetings with Iran AFTER President Trump pulled the U.S. out of the bad Iran nuclear deal.

ACLJ Senior Counsel for Global Affairs Mike Pompeo, who served as Secretary of State under President Trump, dealt with these Deep State transgressions first-hand. He provided his unique insight:

"The ACLJ should be incredibly proud that they unearthed this and made this public so the American people can see what is pretty outrageous conduct, and frankly not surprising. You have to remember who the characters in the room were, these are Foreign Minister Zarif who Senator Feinstein and John Kerry are meeting with routinely as if he was some Iranian moderate, he was someone we should listen to, when in fact he was a thug that had been part of an organization that had killed so many Americans. Here they are meeting with him while these former ambassadors are not on watch.

And we knew even when we were in office that John Kerry had done this same kind of thing multiple times where he had met with Foreign Minister Zarif to basically tell him: “Don’t worry, the cavalry’s coming. The Trump team will be gone. Pompeo will be gone. These folks will pass along and when they do, we’ll rejoin the JCPOA . . . and give you all the money that the Ayatollahs desperately want.”

To see this memo in living color is truly remarkable, to watch former American State Department officials behave with a then sitting secretary of a theocratic, kleptocratic regime that is the world’s largest state sponsor of terror."

This is precisely why we sent this FOIA request: to uncover the actions of the Obama-Biden Deep State which spent four years undermining President Trump, and putting America’s interests and security at risk.

Today’s full Sekulow broadcast is complete with even further in-depth analysis of this shocking memo and what it reveals about the Obama-Biden Administration’s backdoor efforts to undermine then-President Trump.

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