Texas school shooting – something fishy

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2 years ago

Texas school shooting – something fishy
By Terry A. Hurlbut
The Texas school shooting dominates the news today, as one can readily understand. Eighteen or nineteen pupils have died, along with a teacher and two other adults. These include the assailant, after an off-duty border patrolman went in and killed him in a movie-style shootout. Predictably, while the bodies are still warm, Democrats are calling for gun control.
Texas school shooting – what we know
Hard news comes from The Guardian, USA Today, The Texas Tribune, The Blaze, and The Associated Press (via ABC News). We also have commentary from Think Americana and Conservative Research.
Everyone seems to agree on this much. Salvador Ramos, age 18, came to Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, carrying a rifle and a pistol. Before he came to the school, he shot his 66-year-old grandmother. Earlier reports said she had died. Then the AP retracted that story, intending to release a corrected story that she still lives, though in critical condition.
In any event, young Ramos, for reasons no one has yet figured out, walked into the building and started shooting at everything that moved. Accounts differ on how many pupils have died; some say eighteen, others nineteen. Of the two adults who have died, one taught fourth grade at the school.
Ramos barricaded himself somewhere in the building. An off-duty Border Patrol agent (whose name we still don’t have) entered the school. Some sources say he went in without backup; others say he entered with a tactical team.
If he did go in without backup, maybe his child goes to that school. Many of the victims were children of Border Patrol agents. Including his? Maybe.
This agent shot it out with Ramos in a scene straight out of a movie. Ramos wounded him, but he killed Ramos.
Now that Ramos is dead, we may never know for certain why he did what he did.
Gun control, gun control!
Almost immediately after this Texas school shooting, before the bodies had cooled, and even while details were still sketchy at best, the gun control cries rang out. From Gavin Newsom:
In summary he called for what he called “nationwide, comprehensive, commonsense, gun safety NOW.” He also boasted that in California gun deaths have fallen fifty percent “since the 1980s.” He gave no source to support this.
President Biden waited a little longer:
As a nation, we have to ask, when in God's name are we going to stand up to the gun lobby? When in God's name, will we do what we know in our gut what needs to be done? We have to act. Don't tell me we can't have an impact on this carnage.
But he did not say what he thinks the country “needs” to do.
But Biden, Newsom, and Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), who also weighed in, have left a record. When they throw around that neo-compound word commonsense in this context, they mean only one thing. As they’ll tell you at every opportunity, common sense tells them that no person, except:
• A law-enforcement officer,
• An active-duty military service member,
• A Very Important Person, or
• The bodyguard of such person,
should ever own, carry, discharge, or so much as touch a firearm.
But what about the Second Amendment?
The Second Amendment, to them, is a relic of our land-expansionist past. So the Supreme Court should reinterpret it to say that “militia” is not necessary. Therefore, the right of the people to keep and bear arms does not exist.
In contrast, a resident of Buffalo, New York, after a mass shooting in a grocery store, said more people, not fewer, should carry guns.
This is ridiculous. Something has to change from the bottom to the top. If they are not going to do something, we have to do something. This is ridiculous. After the security guard got shot, he got a gun shooting people still. If more people were armed and knew what they were doing with the gun... I just hope something comes from this.
Something should come from the Texas school shooting and that Buffalo incident, among others. Like investigation into where these mass shooters come from. Remember the 2018 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida? Contributor Bradlee Dean smelled several rats with that one. See his articles here and here. Only a few videos survive a YouTube purge. But this one is most telling:
In it, Douglas senior Alexa Miednik tells of speaking with Nicolas Cruz, the suspect in that case, while gunfire was still ringing out. You can even see her putting the airquotes around the word suspect when speaking of him.
Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, and the third time it’s enemy action.
Ian Fleming
Links to:
The article:

Different accounts about the hero Border Patrol Tactical officer:

Gavin Newsom’s tweets:

The New York Times re President Biden:

Bradlee Dean’s articles about the Parkland, Florida school shooting:

Matt Musil interview with Alexa Miednik:

Conservative News and Views:

The CNAV Store:


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