How to play Tic Tac Chec

3 years ago

Learn the rules to the chess game Tic Tac Chec quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules. For a refresher of the original Chess rules, check out this video:

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The object of this 2-player game is to be the first player to get their 4 pieces in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. Layout the board between the two players. You can also play this game with a regular sized board by marking off a 4 by 4 area. Each player picks a color and takes the matching-colored pieces. Pick a player to go first, then turns alternate. During the first 3 rounds, players take turns placing any piece on any empty space on the board. After each player has 3 pieces on the board you are then allowed to move a piece instead of placing a new one.

All pieces move as they do in regular chess. For a refresher of those rules, check out this video. The only difference is that when a pawn reaches either side of the board it reverses direction. Captured pieces are removed from the board and returned to their owner and may be placed again immediately, or on any future turn, on any open space. You may not capture by placing a piece on the board. The first player to get 4 of their pieces in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, wins!

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