Dr. McCullough, freedom fighter of conscience_Corona vaccine mandatory? 良心の自由の闘士Dr.マッカロ_コロナワクチン義務化?

2 years ago

Dr. Peter McCullough, founder and current president of the American College of Cardiology, a leader and authority in the medical community who has also weighed in on the Supreme Court and was one of the first to announce multidrug therapy in the Corona pandemic.
We have added Japanese subtitles to his keynote address on Corona at a major Liberty & Health Alliance meeting in the United States in January 2022. He explains the dangers of the corona vaccine, the importance of early treatment, how to take the correct medical measures to boost natural immunity such as nasal washing, and the various liberty crises we face, and speaks passionately in defense of freedom of conscience.
2022年1月にアメリカで行われたLiberty&Health Alliance(自由と健康の同盟)の大規模な集会でのコロナに関する基調講演に日本語字幕を付けました。コロナワクチンの危険性、早期治療の重要性、鼻洗浄など自然免疫を高める正しい医学的対応の方法、私たちの身に迫っている様々な自由の危機を解説し、良心の自由を守るため、熱意込めて語り呼びかけておられます。
original video:Liberty and Health Alliance: Your Right to Optimal Health Now and For Eternity - Friday Night Live
Related Videos:Crisis of Conscience Freedom「良心の自由の危機」
Part.1: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm40450961
Part.2: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm40451420
”From City Life to Rural Life, 3K Health." 「都市生活から田舎生活へ 3K健康法」 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFbfwQQ3R5s

PDF of Corona related information コロナ関連情報のPDF:
Vaccine Struggle_Vaccine or Dismissal ワクチン闘争_ワクチンか解雇か:
Dr. McCullough, freedom fighter of conscience_Corona obligatory_video text and slides 良心の自由の闘士Dr.マッカロ_コロナの義務化_動画の文章・スライド:
Vaccine Injury Recovery (God's healing method using natural products) ワクチン傷害リカバリー(自然のものを使った神様の癒しの方法)

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