Who Leads Harvard? - Answers News: September 8, 2021

3 years ago

Canadian weatherman's dog joins broadcast; Booksellers apologize for true books; Palaeontologists spin teeth into three new creatures with backstories; Biologists find even less time for plants to evolve moisture-regulating stomata; President insists Texas abortion limits are “outrageous” and "extreme"; Dozens of Harvard chaplains unanimously elect atheist leader; Team led by graduate student claims that intelligently designed antibiotic treatment follows mindless evolutionary principles . . . and other stories reviewed during this September 8, 2021, broadcast of Answers News.

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Then Pharisees and scribes came to Jesus from Jerusalem and said, “Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? . . . He answered them, “And why do you break the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition? . . . for the sake of your tradition you have made void the word of God. You hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy of you, when he said:
“‘This people honors me with their lips,
but their heart is far from me;
in vain do they worship me,
teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’”
- - - - - - - - - - - Matthew 15:1-9

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A weatherman was just trying to do the forecast when his dog waltzed on crashed the segment

Booksellers’ organization apologizes for promoting book on trans damage to children

Discovery of prehistoric mammals suggests rapid evolution of mammals after dinosaur extinction

Plants evolved ability to actively control water-loss earlier than previously thought

Joe Biden Condemns Texas Abortion Ban, Celebrates Killing Babies in Abortions

Harvard’s new chief chaplain? An atheist.

Using evolutionary principles could prevent antibiotic resistance

Wild cockatoos make utensils out of tree branches to open fruit pits

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Photo by: Gustavo Muñoz Soriano
Getty # 1225356870

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