012 - Virtue Signaling

4 years ago

In this episode, Kyle takes a look at the cultural phenomenon of virtue signaling and how it actually relates to virtue. This movement has taken over our politics, entertainment, and sports, but has it helped us in any tangible way? Let's get into it...

Quick Resilience Boost article for your review:
- Wolf & Iron – The Manly Virtues of Ron Swanson
- https://wolfandiron.com/the-manly-virtues-of-ron-swanson/

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- A Man's Devotional: https://bit.ly/2ykKIPQ
- An Undaunted Marriage: https://bit.ly/2zRsBO2

Follow the host Kyle Thompson:
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kyleokc/?hl=en
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/kyleokc?lang=en

Intro/outro music:
Artist: August Burns Red
Track: Defender
Album: Guardians
Buy the Album: http://bit.ly/3r0Miyo
Listen on Apple Music: https://apple.co/3uz23Pd
Listen on Spotify: http://spoti.fi/3kpuxG8

#undauntedlife #amanspodcast #virtuesignaling

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