How to play Dice Chess (Single Die Variant)

3 years ago

Learn the rules to Dice Chess (Single Die Variant) quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules. For a refresher of the original Chess rules, check out this video:

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The object of the game is to capture your opponent’s king, there is no check or checkmate. Give each player 1 Chess die. Normal dice can be used by assigning pieces to the numbers as so: 1 is pawn, 2 is knight, 3 is bishop, 4 is rook, 5 is queen, and 6 is king. On your turn roll the die then pick one of your pieces to move as indicated by the die rolled. If you are unable to move a piece rolled you can play with 3 options. Option 1: Your turn ends, without you moving a piece and the next player goes. Option 2: you reroll until you have a legal move. Option 3: you move a pawn. Decide which option you will play with before beginning the game.

To promote a pawn, you are allowed to use the die of the piece you are promoting the pawn to for its final movement. For example, if you rolled a rook, you may move a pawn on the 7th row to the eight and promote it to a rook. But you would not be allowed to promote it to a queen. You may only use en passant if you roll a pawn the very next turn when the first opportunity for the en passant capture arises. If you don’t, you may not use en passant on a later turn.

Because there is no check or checkmate, you are allowed to move your King into a threatened space. You are allowed to castle by rolling a king or rook so long as neither piece has moved from their start position and there is an unobstructed path between all the spaces in the castle. You are allowed to castle if your King is threatened. The first player to capture their opponent’s king wins.

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