IMBOLC 🐯 Year of the Water Tiger 🐯 New Moon in Aquarius ~ NEW EARTH LIGHT BEINGS ~ White Wizard

3 years ago

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IMBOLC 🐯 Year of the Water Tiger 🐯 New Moon in Aquarius ~ NEW EARTH LIGHT BEINGS ~ White Wizard

full transmissions and transcriptions:


Join our Tribe of Eagle and Condor at:

Big Welcome and much Gratitude to our newest supporters on Patreon!!

Vincent R
Valerie P
Sean U
Ni D
Krista K
Vaughn S
Janet S
Philip A
Mystic Star Traveller
Joann H
Annick M
Jennifer F

thank you to our people for raising your pledge this month:

Debbie P
Jools C

new Tribe members go here for our teachings and trainings:


Magical, Schumann Resonance, Ascended Master, Rainbow Warrior, Lemuria, Sisterhood of the Rose, Wayshowers, Lord Ashtar, Shiva, Shakti, Saint Germain, Pleiades, Freedom, Transformation, Galactic Federation of Light, The Event, Great Awakening, I Am, Love, New Earth, Starseed, Omega, Eagle and Condor, Hieros Gamos, Gaia, Alchemy, Divine Feminine, Paul White Gold Eagle, Quantum Leap, Enoch, Shaman, Revelation, Ascension, Source , Arcturus , Arcturians , Bodhisattva , Ascension, Music of the Spheres, Power, Purification, Rose Heart Activation, Galactic Center , Prime Disclosure, Imbolc, White Wizard, New Moon in Aquarius

Moonology Manifestation Oracle by Yasmin Boland ~

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