WATCH: Clark County TODAY LIVE • Tuesday, March 23, 2021

3 years ago

WATCH: Work session held on Renaissance Trails development project ; Fireworks ban signature campaign gets underway ; A recap of the 18th District town hall this week ; Owner of Washougal motocross track dies ; A look at Class 2A sports. Find links to these stories here:

#ClarkCountyToday #ClarkCountyTodayLive #LocalNews #ClarkCountyWa #LiveBroadcast #COVID19 #Coronavirus #RenaissanceTrails #VancouverWaterfront #VancouverWa #FireworksBan #SignatureCampaign #NovemberBallot #18thLegislativeDistrict #AnnRivers #BrandonVick #LarryHoff #WashougalMotocross #WashougalWa #RalphHuffman #2AGSHL #HighSchoolGirlsSoccer #HighSchoolVolleyball #RidgefieldSpudders #HockinsonHawks

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