Watch as this serval leaps 8 feet into the air to get her dinner

2 years ago

Video shows a wild cat make an incredible 8-foot leap into the air to get its dinner.

Footage sees serval Jua, 10, launching herself from standing into the air to grab a chunk of meat hanging from a wire above her.

Jua has been The Big Cat Sanctuary, a conservation and breeding site in Ashford, Kent, since birth.

Cameron Whitnall, live-in marketing director at the wildlife park, has known Jua since birth.

He said: “She has a very strong personality, she is independent and sassy but she is also clever.”

Servals are wild cats native to Africa and it is not unusual for her species to complete such feats.

Cameron added: “Servals are known for their ability and agility, especially when it comes to jumping!''

They can leap 1 to 4 meters horizontally and 3.5 meters vertically to pluck prey from the air.

The incredible animal uses this ability to pluck birds straight out of the sky, which supplements their diets of small rodents, large insects and poultry.

Sadly, while they are not critically endangered, servals still experience many threats such as "habitat loss and degradation of wetlands, illegal fur and skin trade, predator control programs, hunted for sport, hunted as predators on domestic poultry.

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